The Truman Show - USS
Harry S. Truman in the Persian Gulf
Last year the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) with
her embarked Carrier Air Wing 3 (CVW-3) took up station in the Persian Gulf
for its third deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Wilson reports.
The USS Harry S. Truman is the ninth nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier built for the US Navy and the eighth in
the Nimitz class.
The ship was launched on September 13, 1996, delivered on June 30,
1998, and commissioned on July 25, 1998. The Truman embarked on its
maiden deployment to the Persian Gulf on November 28, 2000, in
support of Operation Southern Watch. The carrier deployed again on
December 6, 2002, this time to the Mediterranean in support of
Operation Enduring Freedom. Since then the Truman has twice been
called into action in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, taking up
station in the South Eastern Mediterranean in February 2003 and the
Persian Gulf in November 2004. On September 2, 2005, the ship
deployed to the Gulf of Mexico to assist in the relief efforts
following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.
For this cruise the Truman left its home port of
Norfolk, Virginia on November 4, 2007, and arrived on station
December 11 where it was expected to remain for between six and eight
months in support of coalition operations on the ground in Iraq.
However operations over Iraq are not the only reason why the USS
Truman is present in the Persian Gulf as Captain Rick ‘Poodle’ Pawlowski, commander of CVW-3 (termed CAG-3), explained: “We are
making sure that the sea lanes are kept open. This is a very
important part of the world and we are just making sure that the
access is still here. When a country tries to push its boundaries
out into the ocean where it’s then going to inhibit the flow of
critical oil tankers for example, we have to make sure that we push
those boundaries back up to the twelve mile limit and we do just
that with presence, by going back and forth. As well as freedom of
navigation, maritime security and surveillance operations we do a
lot of influence operations with the local fishermen. We do take a
certain number of airplanes over the beach everyday and they support
the ground component commander in a close air support (CAS) role. We
are also carrying out non-traditional intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance (NTISR) missions, armed reconnaissance and sensor
sweeps to look for improvised explosive device (IED) emplacements.
Especially over the last year or so we have been very effective in
taking out IEDs. We have about three or four every week that we
detect and take care of. We are on call to the troops on the ground
to destroy weapons caches or IEDs. We do a lot of this but it’s only
about a third of what we do in a 24-hour period.”
The IED threat
One of the biggest threats faced by troops on the ground in Iraq is
that posed by IEDs. These “homemade”
devices can utilise commercial,
military or homemade explosives as well as military ordnance.
Triggered remotely or manually they are proving to be the
lethally-effective method of choice of Iraqi insurgents for
attacking military convoys. As such countering this threat has
become a high priority over the past few years.
The EA-6B Prowler is an electronic warfare aircraft that is better
known for its role in the suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD).
However now that the radar-guided surface-to-air missile (SAM)
threat has virtually been eliminated in Afghanistan and Iraq the
Prowler’s jamming capabilities are being called upon to target IEDs.
The tactics and technology employed by the EA-6B to counter IEDs are
still classified and therefore information about its exact role is
understandably scarce.
The Prowler carries the AN/USQ-113 radio countermeasures system
which provides it with the ability to detect, analyse and jam
hostile communications. It is believed that this system is employed
to jam the remote signals which are used to detonate IEDs such as
those sent by mobile phones, pagers, garage door openers and two-way
While the Prowler’s jamming systems may be effective against
remotely detonated IEDs they have no effect on those that are
triggered manually, therefore early detection is vital in order to
protect the troops on the ground. This is a role filled by the
AN/ASQ-228-equipped F/A-18 as Commander Bill ‘Ziggy’ Sigler, VFA-37
explained: “The biggest thing that we [VFA-37] do, which we probably
spend about 70% of our time doing, is scanning roadways for IEDs.
The IED emplacements show up as what we call hot-spots on the road
that can be anywhere from the size of a dinner plate to a trash can
in terms of circumference. The problem is they can look the same as
roadworks or if it’s a dirt road it can look like a patch of dirt
that a dog has dug up.”
The AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward Looking
Infra-Red (ATFLIR) pod was designed to replace three pods on the
F/A-18: the AN/AAS-38 Nite Hawk FLIR and laser designator pod
previously used on the F/A-18C/D as well as the F/A-18E/Fs AN/AAS-46
Targeting FLIR (TFLIR) and AN/AAR-55 Navigational FLIR (NAVFLIR)
pods. The AN/ASQ-228 integrates infrared targeting and navigation
FLIRs, electro-optical (EO) sensor, laser rangefinder and target
designator, and laser spot tracker into a single pod. In both
air-to-air and air-to-ground missions the sharp imagery provided by
ATFLIR makes the identification of friendly versus enemy forces much
easier. Its target detection range shows a four-fold increase over
previous systems with laser designation effective at altitudes up to
50,000ft (15,240m) and at a slant range of greater than 30 miles
(48km). In addition ATFLIR provides GPS coordinates to precision
weapons such as Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM).
The Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) is a system
which allows the ATFLIR imagery
to be data-linked in real-time to
the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) on the ground. In
addition to making target “talk-ons” much easier this system enables
the JTAC to positively identify that the correct target has been
selected thereby greatly reducing the possibility of fratricide, a
feature that all aircrew agree is of the utmost importance.
Along with the ATFLIR, ROVER is the upgrade that CWV-3s F/A-18
pilots feel is the most beneficial update to their aircraft in
recent years as CDR Sigler explained: “We didn’t have ROVER a month
prior to coming out to the Gulf. If you didn’t have ROVER you
reverted to what’s called talk-on close air support. Because he (the
JTAC) can’t see what I’m seeing he has to find something significant
that I can see from 20,000ft (6,096m) up and then talk me onto a
very precise point. This could be a car in a parking lot that I now
have to track. With ROVER he gives me a coordinate which I enter
into the ATFLIR pod. As he can see what I can see he can very
quickly guide me onto the target. What would have been a five minute
conversation has now been reduced to 30 seconds. The surface-to-air
threat has not been eliminated but it is minimal compared to what it
was a couple of years ago. This means that we are now able to
operate at lower altitudes than we have in the past which helps the
resolution on our targeting pods.”
Damage limitation
Operating within the confined space of a built-up area often rules
out the use of weapons such as the GBU- 12 500lb (227kg) Paveway II
laser guided bomb (LGB) or GBU-38(V)2 500lb (227kg) Joint Direct
Attack Munition (JDAM). This is due to the fact that they carry
either the MK-82 or BLU-111A/B warheads, thereby making them high
collateral damage weapons.
Preventing the loss of innocent lives is a major consideration as
Lieutenant Commander Mark ‘Killer’ Callari, VFA-11 explained: “The
thing that we are always worried about is collateral damage. You
want to be able to hit a target and only harm that target and
nothing else in the vicinity. In an urban environment this is
particularly challenging as there are a lot of buildings and
infrastructure that you do not want to damage at all. The GBU-51 and
GBU-38(V)4 enable us to hit a target with minimal damage to the
surrounding area.”
The GBU-51 is a
500lb (227kg) Paveway II LGB which carries the BLU-126/B Low
Collateral Damage Bomb (LCDB) warhead. This contains 30lb (14kg) of
explosives with the remainder of the weight being made up of
concrete. The GBU-38(V)4 500lb (227kg) JDAM is also armed with the
BLU-126/B LCDB warhead.
Thanks to everyone
from the 5th Fleet and USS Harry S. Truman Public Affairs Offices
and all onboard for their assistance. A special thank you to LT
Denise Garcia, ENS Chris Hwang and MC2 Regina Wright. |