Wilson is a Scottish-based professional photographer. Up until 2003
Séan was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in
Séan uses Canon 1-Series digital bodies and L-Series lenses exclusively and his work, both photographic and written, has been published in Aerei, Aero, Aircraft Illustrated, AirForces Monthly, AIR International, Aviation News, Avion Revue, Combat Aircraft, Flug Revue, JWings, Lotnictwo and Vayu Aerospace and Defence Review. In addition to this Séan's imagery has appeared in several aviation books and calendars. If required high quality prints of the images shown on this website can be purchased. The images contained within this site may not be used, commercially or otherwise, in any form including, but not restricted to, the Internet, magazines and books without prior permission. Séan is available for all kinds of photographic work. If you have any queries please feel free to contact us. |